The ultimate luxury test center

Safe Testing Guaranteed.

Choose Your Covid Testing

Antigen Test


Previously £70

Results within 15 minutes available on location.

Standard Fit-to-Fly certificates are proof that a GP has deemed it safe for you to fly.

Your COVID-19 Fit-for-Travel Certificate is only valid for a short time, your airline and destination will have their own requirements. It’s therefore important to check the requirements and take your test within the required time frame.

PCR Fit to Fly - Express


Previously £300

Get your results within 4 hours after your designated appointment slot.

Standard Fit-to-Fly certificates are proof that a GP has deemed it safe for you to fly.

Your COVID-19 Fit-for-Travel Certificate is only valid for a short time, your airline and destination will have their own requirements. It’s therefore important to check the requirements and take your test within the required time frame.

Day 2 PCR Test


Previously £300

Get your results within 5 hours after your designated appointment slot.

For all international flights coming in.

Your COVID-19 Fit-for-Travel Certificate is only valid for a short time, your airline and destination will have their own requirements. It’s therefore important to check the requirements and take your test within the required time frame.

PCR Test Fit to Fly


Previously £90.99

Get your results by 8pm on the next day.

Anticipate on your upcoming flight and book smart.

Your COVID-19 Fit-for-Travel Certificate is only valid for a short time, your airline and destination will have their own requirements. It’s therefore important to check the requirements and take your test within the required time frame.

Frequently Asked Questions

Antibody tests check your blood by looking for antibodies which may tell you if you had a past infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.

Antibodies are proteins that help fight off.
infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again (immunity).
Antibodies are disease specific.

  • Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is the body’s largest antibody. It is also the first antibody to appear in response to an initial exposure to an antigen (a toxin or other foreign substance), which induces an immune response in the body.
  • It is widely accepted that IgM provides the first line of defence during viral infections, followed by the generation of adaptive, high affinity IgG responses for long-term immunity and immunological memory.
  • Testing of COVID-19 IgM and IgG antibodies is an effective method for the rapid identification of a current or recent COVID-19 infection.
  • A blood sample is taken from a finger prick and deposited onto our cassette.
  • Detection of IgM antibodies tends to indicate a recent exposure to COVID-19.
  • Detection of IgG antibodies indicates a later stage of infection. specific.
  • It is a great way to screen staff and can be comforting for individuals self-isolating at home. Those who are deemed ‘immune’ will be greatly encouraged to return to a more normal way of life.
  • Those who are not immune will be advised and guided on further testing and re-testing in the future.
  • Most individuals who have experienced symptoms are likely to be immune, but an antibody test is often required to be sure.
  • An antigen test reveals if a person is currently infected with a pathogen such as the COVID-19. Once the infection has gone, the antigen disappears.
  • The Antigen test delivers results in 15 minutes and is the perfect solution for those places and situations where fast COVID-19 infections should be detected such as: airports, harbours, working environment and medical environment.
  • How it works: Antigen tests can identify virus in nose and throat secretions. It does this by looking for proteins from the virus (as opposed to the diagnostic test, which looks for genetic material).
  • This test can detect early stage COVID-19 in asymptomatic patients.
  • This test identifies people who are currently infected with the coronavirus. It may be used as a quick test to detect active infections.
  • Initially it will not be used to diagnose disease, but it may be used to screen people to identify those who need a more definitive test.
  • How quick is it: These tests should provide results in just a few minutes. As a result they could be used to screen people in hospitals, certain workplaces, or in other instances where it’s important to find out quickly whether someone is currently at risk of spreading the disease.

Our private GP services are available at all of our clinics across London where we offer same-day appointments to get you seen by one of our friendly doctors as quickly as possible.

Our private doctors in London offer affordable, professional & convenient healthcare to our patients on-demand, when they need us

For a full range of what we can help with, see here or give one of our friendly team a call on +44 2071834243

Simply book an appointment with one of our private doctors by either booking online or contacting us by phone.

Once you arrive your appointment will run as long as needed but will usually last between 15-30 minutes.

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We are certified by the following below entities and are completly transparent to ensure our customers recieve only the best service.